Historical Milestone of CLTRI
1917: Presidency of
1918: First
World war ongoing hence existing welfare activity begin stopped
till the war is over, hence formation of Lady Wellington
sanatorium was not possible during the year 1918.
1924. Lady
Wellington Leprosy Sanatorium (LWLS) established in total area
560.01 acres (as per record we have 4 hills approximately 148
acres. Office
and residential complex was about 77.67 acres.
1946: On
30th January
Father of our Nation Mahatma Gandhiji visited LWLS and written
in Visitor book “My Best Wishes to Leper Friend”.
Co-incidentally Gandhiji died in 30.01,1948 (Exactly 2 years
later, same day observed as as “Anti-Leprosy Day” in Remembrance
of Gandhiji)
1948: Dr.
Dharmendra has standardised Lepromin Test( Invented by Dr
Mitsuda from
27-12-1954 Government
Lady Wellington Leprosy Sanatorium, Tiruamni and Silver Jubilee
Children Clinic, Saidapet transfer Order G.O. (Ms.) No.3499,
Health & Family Welfare Department,
1954: Indian
Association of Leprologist(IAL), formed at Madars, Dr Dharmendra
was founder member, including many faculty from CLTRI